Abortion Checklist:  Why Ultrasound should be your next step

Do you qualify for an abortion? 

Before taking the abortion pills or scheduling your abortion appointment, take the necessary steps to ensure your health and safety.

  1. Take a pregnancy test.
    If you’ve missed your period and are having symptoms of a pregnancy like breast tenderness, bloating, tiredness, cramping, or nausea you can take a urine pregnancy test at home or get a free pregnancy test at Anchor of Hope. While home tests are usually accurate, meet with a medical provider and take a test that is 99% accurate.


  2. Get an ultrasound.
    The pregnancy test will detect pregnancy hormones in your urine, but it’s possible that your pregnancy isn’t viable. Approximately 1 in 4 pregnancies do not carry to term, and as many as 20% end on their own before 12 weeks (about 3 months) of pregnancy.

    A free limited OB ultrasound will confirm if your pregnancy is viable. It is important to make sure your pregnancy is alive before you put your body through the unnecessary effects of abortion.  

    An ultrasound will confirm the location of the pregnancy which is essential before an abortion.    Taking the abortion pills without ruling out an ectopic pregnancy can put you at risk as it may not end the pregnancy.

  3. Find out how far along you are.
    Up to 50 % of women are off about their pregnancy dating.   While knowing the first day of your last period (LMP) is helpful, each woman ovulates at different times.   Your date of ovulation can affect the age of the pregnancy.   Since the abortion pill is approved by the FDA up to 10 wks. (or 70 days)  from LMP, it’s important to have an ultrasound to confirm how many weeks you are before your decision.

  4. Get tested for STI/STDs
    Having an abortion with an undetected infection may cause complications during the procedure that might affect your future reproductive health.     Chlamydia and gonorrhea (the two most common STDS) can be detected in the urine, so get a free STD test before your abortion to protect your health.

  5. Learn about procedures, side effects and risks.
    Before any medical procedure, it’s important to be fully informed.  Whether you are taking pills or having a surgical procedure, it’s important to educate yourself.   Find out how what you choose will work, how it will affect your body and your future.   Our medical professionals can talk you through the specifics and make sure you feel confident in your decision.

  6. Research your potential abortion provider’s credentials.
    As with any procedure, be fully informed about the person you entrust with your health.   Make sure they are reputable and in good standing with the medical board and with a hospital in case you need emergency follow-up care.  

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