Abortion Healing

Is Abortion Part of Your Story?

Whether it was yesterday or 40 years ago, it can be hard to talk about.

You may be experiencing emotional, physical or relational struggles resulting from a past abortion decision including:

  • Depression
  • Feelings of decreased self-worth
  • Anxiety/panic attacks
  • Sexual problems
  • Guilt/regret
  • Eating disorders
  • Abuse of alcohol/drugs
  • Flashbacks
  • Sleep disorders
  • Denial


We understand that 82% of people impacted by abortion don’t know where to go for healing-so we have created a resource list for you to find the support option that is best for you. 

There are many opportunities to find, healing and safe places for confidential conversations.

We are here to invite you to a safe, confidential and compassionate start to the conversation after abortion.

For more information text ‘HEALING’ to 920-400-6927.

Request An Appointment

This form does not guarantee an appointment, you will be contacted by the clinic in the next business day to answer some questions and confirm the space is available. Please note: The correspondence that you send in this form is not secure. Please do not send confidential information in the message box of this form.

group bible studies

Women: Forgiven and Set Free is a confidential 10-week Bible study for women who are seeking healing after an abortion. This Bible study is designed to help women experience Biblical healing and grow in their relationship with God. Women will work with trained facilitators and with their group to find the peace of God’s forgiveness and the freedom of forgiving themselves and forgiving others. For more information or to sign up, text “HEALING” to 920-452-4673.

Men: Men often experience spiritual and emotional hurt after involvement with an abortion decision. Many experience regret over the loss of fatherhood as well as  host of other unreconciled thoughts. ‘Forgiven and Set Free-a Father’s Heart’ is a free and confidential Bible study designed specifically for the father involved with an abortion decision. This study seeks to provide spiritual healing while inviting men into a deeper relationship with God. For more information, text “MENSHEALING” to 920-452-4673.

personal healing

Anchor of Hope offers one-on-one mentoring for women.  Meeting with someone who has walked your journey or a similar journey, having experienced an abortive loss, can be a helpful start to your healing journey.  You are invited to a safe and confidential space where you can share your story with someone who will listen and understand. Discover ways to start your healing journey. One-on-one mentoring is offered with both Biblical and non-Biblical options. To find our more information or to schedule a one-on-one mentoring session, text “HEALING”

healing support

 Support After Abortion is a free and confidential service that provides real-time, compassionate individualized care support to help women and men find the hope and healing they deserve.

You can contact Support After Abortion by: 

Anchor of Hope has copies of Support After Abortion’s  ‘Keys to Hope and Healing’ books for women and men in both English and Spanish, as well as access to Unraveled Roots video series to be viewed in person or sent directly to your phone. For more information on those resources, please call or text Anchor of Hope at 920-452-4673

healing retreats

Rachel’s Vineyard: Rachel’s Vineyard is a safe place focused on renewal, rebuilding and redeeming hearts broken by abortion. They offer weekend retreats filled with confidential and non-judgmental support in an environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions as they begin the process of that restoration, renewal and healing. For more information, please visit https://www.rachelsvineyard.org/.

Deeper Still Retreats: Deeper Still is a safe, confidential three-day healing retreat specifically designed for women and men who have been impacted by abortion and who are seeking a deeper place of healing and restoration. The retreat is an opportunity to find support, healing and to spend time with God. For more information or to find a retreat near you, please visit https://www.godeeperstill.org/.