Read This Before Taking the Abortion Pill 

Determining the gestational age and the location of the pregnancy are critical steps in safely determining if the abortion pill option is right for you.

Getting an ultrasound before you decide to take the abortion pill helps ensure your own safety by determining if your pregnancy is implanted inside the uterus. A pregnancy implanted outside the uterus is an ectopic pregnancy that can become a medical emergency if it causes the fallopian tube to rupture leading to serious infection problems.

Signs of infection or problems can develop weeks after taking the abortion pill. These warning signs can include heavy bleeding, fever, abdominal pain, or feeling sick.

To avoid these complications, an ultrasound by a healthcare provider will confirm the location of the pregnancy. A medical team member can review your health history to help you understand what next steps are safe for you in your own situation.

Health care professionals at Anchor of Hope provide no-cost pregnancy testing and ultrasound appointments. To chat with a nurse, click here. The abortion pill is actually a combination of two medications:

 -Mifepristone and misoprostol.

Both medications work together to end an early pregnancy before 11 weeks. Common side effects include nausea, abdominal pain, bleeding, diarrhea, and vomiting. These side effects occur because the chemicals in the mifepristone alter the effect of the hormone progesterone in the body. Taking the misoprostol 48 hours later triggers cramping and bleeding that will last for several days to expel pregnancy. Taking these medications after 10 weeks in the pregnancy means the pill might not work.

Meeting with a licensed medical professional before you take any medications to review your individual health and safety is the most important way to ensure that all your questions about at home abortion and pregnancy options get answered. 

Health care professionals at Anchor of Hope provide no-cost pregnancy testing and ultrasound appointments. To chat with a nurse, click here.

Talking with an experienced healthcare professional will also help you determine if this option is the safe for you. If you have any health concerns about your medical history and any symptoms you are having before or after taking the abortion pill, contact our medical clinic for judgment-free medical advice to help you make an informed decision about your health and next steps.

Macnaughton, H., Nothnagle, M., & Early, J. (Apr. 15, 2021). Mifepristone and misoprostol for early pregnancy loss and medication abortion. American Family Physician. Retrieved July 8, 2024 from
FDA. Medication guide: Mifeprex. Retrieved July 4, 2024 from
Mayo Clinic. (Mar. 12, 2022). Ectopic pregnancy. Retrieved July 8, 2024 from
Yale Medicine. (Sept. 11, 2023). Medication abortion: Your questions answered. Retrieved July 8, 2024 from

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